Working for the future of children today

At Jolo Fashion Group everyone is engaged to make our operation sustainable and fair. To make this possible we are focused on creating a transparent supply chain, using sustainable materials and learning together with all our partners.







What we are proud of

The way we work

Part of our suppliers are connected to the internationally renowned amfori BSCI. For the other production locations we work with, we’ve established a set of Minimum Requirements regarding environmental and ethical standards. With these requirements we aim to motivate our partners to also be transparent, leading to a fair supply chain.

On our journey to transparency we have collaborated with online block chain technology, which makes the product journey visible via a QR code.     

In the factories we want workers to have a safe work place, be protected and earn a fair wage. For more detailed information: 

Goals for a transparent supply chain

We achieved since 2023:

From 2023 we have used more than 65% sustainable materials for 8 of our brands

NO USE of animal based materials for our children brands, such as fur, down, angora, wool or shells

Our polybags are made of recycled polyester

Our production locations ensure that production takes place according to our RSL, Restricted Substances List, which we first published in 2017 and update regularly. The purpose of the RSL is to prevent the use of hazardous substances in the production of our clothing.

How we work

Organic cotton and recycled polyester

We try to use organic cotton and recycled polyester for our products as much as we can. In the table you can find the standards we use for our sustainable materials.

Goals for certified organic cotton and recycled polyester


Learning together

Continuous collaboration and learning with our supply chain partners are key to us. We engage in regular dialogues with our suppliers and manufacturers to exchange sustainability insights and enhance our practices together. These conversations also extend to specialists, branch organisations, and civil society members, where we tackle specific supply chain challenges collaboratively.

Sustainability certificates

The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a leading supply chain management system that supports companies in driving social compliance and improvements in their global supply chain.

The Organic Content Standard (OCS) applies to any non-food product containing 5-100% organic material. It verifies the presence and amount of organic material in a final product and tracks its path in the supply chain.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) defines requirements that ensure the organic status of textiles, from harvest through manufacturing all the way to labelling.

The Global Recycling Standard (GRS) sets out requirements of recycled content, social and environmental practices and chemical restrictions.

The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) sets out requirements of recycled content for use with any product that contains at least 5% recycled material.